CIF-SS Home Website – for Athletic Clearances, Emergency Cards, Schedules, Rosters, etc. See the Athletic Director for login information if needed.

CIF-SS Website – Links to CIF-SS BlueBook, Individual Sport Rules, Playoff Brackets, etc.

CIF-SS Heat Guidelines – Information on CIF-SS and CA Law regarding heat guidelines. We have two WBGT monitors – one in the Athletics Office and one in the Main Office – that are used to measure the WBGT index.

The following forms are for new SHS coaches:

TUSD Classified/Coaching Hiring Packet – for full time coach hires. To be returned to the Athletic Director upon completion. HR will then contact the applicant to begin the process (LiveScan Fingerprinting, physical exam, etc).

TUSD Volunteer Clearance – for temporary/non-supervisory roles. Returned with a valid TB test and a copy of a Driver’s License.

CIF/TUSD Coaching Requirements – All coaches must complete this process prior to coaching.